It is advisable to keep a close eye on your bitch pre and post whelping. Below is a list of what is considered normal pre and post whelping.

DISCHARGE: During pregnancy it is normal for bitches to have a clear, sticky, discharge which resembles uncooked egg white. It is not normal for them to have black, brown, or a discharge with an offensive odour. Post whelping, it is normal to have dark red, blood discharge which will gradually turn to a brownish colour. Not normal is bright red bleeding or blood clots, or a yellowish, creamy, coloured discharge which could be a sign of Metritis (infection of the uterus). If this is the case, please seek veterinary advice promptly.

STOOLS: Bitches can develop a black tarry coloured diarrhoea just before whelping, during gestation, or shortly after delivery. This can be hormone related and there may not be any reason for alarm, as long as the bitch is eating and drinking normally and not showing any signs of illness. If you are unsure, please seek veterinary advice.

ABDOMINAL ENLARGEMENT: During pregnancy it is normal to expect enlargement of the uterus, however, if you notice the uterus is shrinking after it is obviously enlarged, it could indicate the bitch may be resorbing part if not all her litter. This means that the developing embryos pre skeletal development are in a sense being aborted, but bitches do not abort in the same manner as women. The embryos will liquefy and be absorbed into the bitch's system and apart from a shrinking uterus, there are no other visible signs. Generally, the bitch will not even exhibit any ill effects. Pregnancy will not continue to produce viable whelps. In some cases, if part of the litter only is absorbed, during delivery you may see a mummified foetus being passed along with the normal, healthy, whelps. If there is any abdominal swelling post delivery, especially if accompanied by an abnormal discharge as explained above, you need to have your bitch examined by a vet.

MAMMARY GLANDS: Milk production is necessary for the rearing of the whelps, however, some bitches produce an abundance of milk and the glands may become swollen, hot, red, and lumpy. If the bitch is feeling unwell, off her food, panting, reluctant to nurse, your vet must examine her to make sure she does not have Mastitis. This is an inflammation of the mammary glands and possible infection. There have been known cases of an abscess developing with this type of infection. I would recommend the puppies are hand reared even after the bitch has received medical attention. Puss secretion with or without blood from the mammary glands is not normal at any time.

CAESEREAN INCISIONS: Caesarean incisions must be examined daily. If there is any swelling, redness, discharge from the wound, your bitch needs to be seen by your vet.

VOMITING: During or after whelping, especially if accompanied by other signs, must be investigated by your veterinarian promptly. It is normal for a bitch to sometimes vomit during labour.

Written By
Anne Muscat/Roditis
(c) copyright 2007