Any of these Realborn kits listed here are currently in stock. You can reserve yours with $100 non-refundable deposit. The balance is paid while I work, explained on another page. These babies pictured here are for example purposes and I have not created these, they are prototypes of the kit when first released. Realborn kits are created specifcally from a real baby by the only company that produces them. Choose your baby and contact me to get started on your journey to adoption.
Landon Awake. This kit comes as Landon Asleep also but not in stock currently.
Brooklyn asleep. This kit comes in an awake kit but currently not in stock.
Darren Asleep. Darren Awake is also available
Jennie awake
Laila asleep
Jade Asleep
Aspen awake
Joseph Asleep
Lavender Asleep.
Marrisa asleep
Owen Awake
Joseph asleep. This kit comes in an awake kit but currently not in stock.
June awake. This kit comes in an asleep kit but currently not in stock.
Kyrie asleep
Lavender Awake
Logan Asleep
Ana Asleep
If you haven't found what you are looking for on this page, I will provide the link here to the supplier of these kits in the USA. Take a look at their kits, write down the name and then email me with the name and I may either have it in stock, or I can order it for you from the company. You can also message me on Facebook. My email address is And the website URL is :